Welcome to Grow: A Garden Maintenance Blog!


Spring is in the air… so are new outlooks, fresh starts, and the overall optimism that seems to ooze out of everyone when that glimmer of the new season starts to chase away a long dark winter. For many, especially if you are a gardener, it is a time when it is not just the sap in the trees that is flowing, but it is creativity too!

I was out for a Spring walk with a friend the other day. We chat about many things but we have the commonality of being self-employed so naturally our conversations sway toward the ups and downs of the ‘non 9-5 lifestyle’, as well as the trials and tribulations of being business owners. At one point during our walk, while I was lamenting about the lack of pride that many people have in their work, my friend turned to me and suggested I start a gardening blog, since ‘proper gardening’ seems to be a dying art these days. My response was a contemplative ‘hmmmm’ although, in my mind I instantly rejected the idea; after-all, I am a mom of toddlers, running a gardening business while assisting ‘the hubby’ with another start-up business, while also trying to pursue personal passions such as gardening (yes, I do that in my spare time too) and trail running. If we could only tack on a few extra hours to each day…

So the ‘blog seed’ sat in my brain. Little did I know that it was patiently waiting for the right conditions in which it could germinate into a full-fledged project. Sure enough, it started to take root and I began to see the merits of the idea. For one, I like to write- another dying art these days (dont u think so 2 LOL. Insert wince here.). Secondly I am a plant nerd through and through. I believe that everything is better when one is surrounded by plants. Period. End of story. If it has leaves, it is my friend. I Iove looking at plants and caring for them. I also love getting my hands dirty (and for that reason, I have a better chance at becoming a blogger as opposed to a hand model). It all started to coalesce in my brain and precisely 9.5 hours after the seed was planted, I sat down to write this, my very first blog post!

So what is the purpose of this new undertaking?

This is NOT a blog that will outline the nitty gritty of plants and the idiosyncrasies of the thousands of cultivars that exist in this blooming, I mean ‘booming’ industry. If you are looking for that information- head on over to growers’ websites or refer to some of the amazing horticultural magazines that are out there! This is also not a blog dedicated to growing food. I am a landscape gardener with a specialty in ornamental garden maintenance- I will be sticking to what I know best! This space is meant to act as your companion throughout the growing season; a ‘what should I be doing now’ kind of resource. I will walk you through the progression of the growing season as seen through the eyes of the properties that I tend. I will outline the tasks that I complete as well as provide tips and tricks that are easy for you to use in your own outdoor space to help you grow a healthy garden that looks spectacular!

So welcome along for this ride- the 2019 growing season is upon us! Let’s get growing!
